Dawn’s Blogs

Changing Directions

Hello and a happy new year from Barriers to Bridges!

We are looking to ‘start afresh’, change directions and consider other opportunities.
Due to not being successful at securing project funding (which was essential for carrying out one-to-one advocacy at no cost to the client) – as well as losing other resources for running the business etc. I, Dawn Sanders, am looking at opportunities in community media – with a view to eventually launching a community magazine.

I will be creating a new forum which will provide space for people from other disadvantaged communities to “have their say” tell their stories, send creative writing or art work – conveying their lives.

So, we are ‘starting more or less from scratch’ and not giving up.

I will still be providing an advocacy service (where it can be funded) and we will continue to look for opportunities for talks and workshops.

However, we will be focussing on finding commited volunteers to help create a working forum and move any media opportunities forward.

Please get in touch if you can help in any way or have suggestions.

What is Advocacy?

By Dawn Sanders

Recently, it has been brought to my attention that a lot of people don’t know what advocacy is – I suspected this, but with a little nudge, thought I should make it all clear.

Advocacy just means someone else ‘advocating’ on someone’s behalf.  An advocate will provide help, support, guidance and reinforcement on someone’s behalf if, say, someone has trouble articulating themselves or is struggling “to be heard”.

A good advocate (in my opinion), would encourage and empower someone to have the confidence to take charge of their own affairs and know what they’re entitled to, but be available for whatever support is needed.

Hope that answers any questions.

Any further queries or comments though, just fire away here…


This space will eventually manifest into a quarterly online and Sheffield-based magazine. This is your opportunity to engage and discuss what you might need from an advocate. I will be blogging soon and will welcome comments and feedback.

Poetry, prose, artwork, short stories and articles will be welcome here, to provide mutual support and share experiences as people from marginalised communities.

Nitty-gritty content is fine, but, be courteous; no abusive or offensive language or remarks will be allowed here, but cutting edge communication would be what we’re about!