This portfolio has earned a distinction within my Master of Arts award in approved Journalism.
Published Articles
Sexability: the invisible veil
Travelling outside comfort zones : two fingers up to the predictable
HS: the smokescreen of health and safety.
UnPublished Articles
5G: Challenging The Narrative For Balanced Debate
Feature: Post Calais, Post Brexit: and the Migrant Crisis has not Disappeared
Feature: Prostitution: A Growing Means to an End and the Need for Decriminalisation
Feature: Tales of Torment and Triumph: Penalising Disadvantaged Parents and their Children
Opinion:The Discourse of Dissing: The Challenge of Liberating Language
News: Poised for EU Referendum – There is Concern for our Human Rights
Opinion:Snubbing The Hand That Steadied Us: The Many Implications of Brexit
Challenging the Stigma: People With Mental Health Conditions Want To Be Heard and Understood