By Dawn M. Sanders

I’m getting sick and bored of this finger-pointing at every slight disaster or unpopular stance for and within the Labour party and Jeremy Corbyn probably is too.

It takes less than a drop of a hat within the opposition and advocates for the parliamentary Labour Party and others, start sounding off about leadership challenges.

Yet, Theresa May drops the Dubs scheme, spearheads mass surveillance, dithers over Brexit – not to mention cozys up to the likes of Donald Trump and all his reckless policies and loose cannon mentality, but no one is calling for May’s resignation, why?

Why can’t the truth be said: Corbyn is primarily a Socialist – the mainstream media and establishment politicians are intrinsically biased against that.

Finally, a voice of reason and rationale has come from Clive Lewis and others on social media.

So Labour lost a long-standing stronghold – get over it and so what.

The Tories won Copeland because the candidate pressed all the right buttons for the local industry – if one can even dub nuclear an industry… The point is, just as Trump’s rednecks and disgruntled progressives in the US, the short-sighted view in Copeland prevailed over the long term effects of Sellafield and its dangers.

Why isn’t there the same kind of scrutinising over the fact that, the Tories lost in Stoke – not just to Labour, but to UKIP – why aren’t the media or anyone in her party asking May if she’s worried?

How the people of Copeland think the new Tory MP will do more for the LOCAL NHS than May is doing for it nationally, is beyond me!

The blame game, as rightfully pointed out by Lewis, will never change Labour’s woes.

Unless the Blairite contingency or beyond, unite behind their leader and stop the in-fighting, Labour is doomed.

Corbyn is far from a perfect leader – then again, there is no perfect leader.

Some leaders are exceptional such as Nelson Mandela, but mostly what a democracy gets is mediocrity or close either side of it.

For leaders like Corbyn, who largely stick to their guns, the journey is tough – not just in opposition, but in standing outside what the establishment dictates is okay.

Unless Labour’s grassroots flourish and there is an overhaul of current right-wing policies, in favour of the original pro working-class principles on which Labour was founded, who is to blame?


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