“Jeremy Corbyn himself has said nothing about doing a reshuffle, but the media seem unable to talk about anything else.”

When David Cameron is seen to be surrounding himself or favouring cronies within his party, at the very best we might see disgruntled murmurings from social media or select papers, yet nothing to the degree of the speculating mainstream press on a Corbyn reshuffling.

When Jeremy was first elected leader of the Labour party, before he even selected his cabinet, there was paranoia and hostility among seniors of the party that Mr. Corbyn would select left-leaning like-minds in key positions.

Yet, he didn’t. During and after his cabinet was chosen, he stressed the need to diversify within the party – acknowledging differences by giving centrists some surprise positions.

The possibility of course may be, a punishment reshuffle, as key players voted in favour of military action in Syria and as Shadow Foreign Minister, Pat McFadden pointed out: “He has talked of an open, pluralist kind of politics but a reshuffle for that reason could end looking more petty and divisive than open and pluralist politics. I think that is a risk for him if he proceeds for that reason.”

I have to agree with McFadden, because Corbyn could be reshuffling out of anger/betrayal, but let’s hope he won’t commit political suicide.

Having speculated this, it must be acknowledged, the necessity of commonality within a party, is crucial in such defining issues as whether or not to walk into a complex and dangerous war.

Corbyn may be having regrets in not having an ally in Hilary Benn – whatever his motives for the reshuffle, he’s damned either way.

Given that Corbyn is scrutinized at every turn by a biased press who take little care to hide any dislike of the Labour leader, should be recognized.

When an ITV journalist announces (with a slight flex of disdain in his voice): “Jeremy Corbyn started the day in a comfortable place, at a protest…”

One has to wonder, how does a journalist get away with such blatant lack of objectivity?

In examining journalism and how journalists perform in the glare of the public eye, I realize more all the time – what kind of journalist I ‘don’t want to be’.

Social media comments were mixed, yet several such as Tom in London simply said:

“Jeremy Corbyn himself has said nothing about doing a reshuffle, but the media seem unable to talk about anything else.”

Getting back to the matter of discussion, Shadow Minister, Michael Dugher pointed out: “In my experience having worked closely with previous leaders, there’s a reason why they tend to be a bit reluctant to go down the path of big reshuffles and that’s because they do try and hold the party together, they do recognize that the Labour Party is a broad church not a religious cult, that you need people of different backgrounds and try and get the best possible talents.”

He also mentioned, if Corbyn surrounded himself with strictly left-wing allies, he would have a slim minority cabinet. Let’s just hope Corbyn uses his better judgement and doesn’t pander to the media hawks – ready to swoop and sing ‘I told you so’ as the Tories chuckle with mocking taunts at any disquiet within the Labour house.


© 2016

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